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News: Event: Updated Fragment Collection Standings

Last Week, players throughout the Matrix were consumed with the task of collecting mysterious fragments, alleged to be the shattered remnants of Neo’s RSI. The competition has been furious. Here is a breakdown of last week’s competition:

Day 1: The Merovingians came out of the gates at breakneck speed, rabidly collecting fragments, and jumping out to a lead on nearly all of the servers.

Day 2: Frustrated with her Organization’s unimpressive effort, Niobe traveled through the Matrix giving “fire and brimstone” speeches to Zionites everywhere. Her message hit its mark. Zionites rallied to take the lead on 5 of the 7 servers on day 2.

Day 3: Seething with anger, Flood verbally assaulted Merovingian factions concerning their lackluster second day of collecting. His threats and insults propelled the Merovingian factions into a fury of collection. As the dust settled on the third day, the Merovingian’s enjoyed the lead on 5 of the 7 servers.

Day 4: The results are in from yesterday's fierce collection campaigns. Zion rallied in the 11th hour to take the lead on four out of the seven servers yesterday, surprisingly jumping into the lead on the previously Merovingian dominated Iterator, and Regression. Server control vacillated wildly yesterday as Zion yielded the much contested Enumerator and Linenoise to the Merovingians. However, at the end of the day, Zion emerged with control over 4 of the 7 servers. The race remains neck and neck as collection numbers continue to pour in.

Server April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9
Method Merovingian Merovingian Merovingian Merovingian
Regression Zion Zion Merovingian Zion
Proxy Merovingian/Zion Zion Zion Zion
Iterator Merovingian/Zion Merovingian/Zion Merovingian Zion
Linenoise Merovingian Zion Merovingian Merovingian
Enumerator Merovingian Zion Zion Merovingian
Heuristic Merovingian Zion Merovingian Zion

Posted by Live Events Team

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