Rogue Exiles - Added The General
Merovingian Exiles - Moved Malphas and Ookami to the Merovingian Exiles page
Merovingian Exiles - Updated Ookami's status as "Active"
Personnel Database: The Elements - *NEW PAGE* Personnel Database: The Elements
Personnel Database: The Spectrum - *NEW PAGE* Personnel Database: The Spectrum
The DN1 Archive - Added all of the archived DN1 content
Historical Locations - Added the Industrial Hallway
The DN1 Archive - *NEW PAGE* The DN1 Archive
The DN1 Archive - Added four pages containing info prior to the release of MxO
Agents - Changed Agent Gray's picture
Music Archive - Recompiled the GraveD.mp3 file
Music Archive - Fixed errors in the links to the Ashencourte music files
The Pwned Collection - Added three new PWNED pictures
The Oneironauts: General Information - *NEW PAGE* The Oneironauts: General Information
The Oneironauts: Crew List - *NEW PAGE* The Oneironauts: Crew List
The Belteshazzar: Crew Positions - Changed file name and updated crewmember list
The Joseph: Crew Positions - *NEW PAGE* The Joseph: Crew Positions
The Oneironauts: Application Protocols - *NEW PAGE* The Oneironauts: Application Protocols
Agents - Added pictures for Agents Gray and Skinner
Agents - Colorized the picture of Agent Pace
Zion Personnel - Added Anome
Emotes - Updated the list of emotes
Emotes - Updated the printer-friendly version of the list of emotes and moods
Bluepills - Added the Woman in Le Vrai
The Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Collection - Added two new WTF pictures from MxO
Bluepills *NEW PAGE* Bluepills
The Sentinel Added the Zion Relay for the April 18th 2005 issue
Music Archive *NEW PAGE* Music Archive
Agents - Added a picture for Agent Pace
Merovingian Exiles - Added Flood
Merovingian Exiles - Changed the statuses for Cain and The Trainman
The Sentinel Archive - Fixed an error in the URL for the link to the current issue
Timeline - Added more timeline information
Timeline - Added more timeline information
Rogue Exiles - Changed Ookami's status to *CRITICAL*
Rogue Exiles - Changed The Assassin's status to "Deleted"
The Sentinel Archive - Added a complete set of archived issues of The Sentinel to replace those that were lost
Older updates:
September 2005
July 2005
June 2005
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005
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All content on this page (c) 2005 by Stack, except that which is already protected by other copyrights or trademarks.
Last updated 10-19-05