Timeline - Added more timeline information
Timeline Variations - *NEW PAGE* Timeline Variations
International Access Node & Exile Map - *NEW PAGE* International Access Node & Exile Map
Maps - Removed link to old International Access Node map while leaving the map as-is
International Map - Fixed multiple border errors for Ikebukuro
Downtown Hardline Map - Added icon for the Hampton Green NW hardline
Downtown Comprehensive Map - Added icon for the Hampton Green NW hardline
Westview Access Node & Exile Map - *NEW PAGE* Westview Access Node & Exile Map
Maps - Removed link to old Westview Access Node map while leaving the map as-is
Access Nodes - Confirmed several boss coordinates
Hardlines - Checked, double-checked, and cross-checked all coordinates
Hardlines - Reformatted the entire page to use a Table instead of preformatted spacing
Collectors - Added a PDF printer-friendly version
Contacts - Added a PDF printer-friendly version
Emotes - Added a PDF printer-friendly version [includes moods]
Hardlines - Added a PDF printer-friendly version
Hideouts - Added a PDF printer-friendly version
Redfrags - Added a PDF printer-friendly version
Emotes - Removed the /khan emote
Emotes - Added the /anguish and /scream emotes and numerous /talk emotes
Commands - Added the /hardline command
Access Nodes - Added tables for gang info and boss coordinates
Access Nodes - Added more key locations for Ueno and Chelsea
Access Nodes - Removed list of alternate neighborhood names
Disclaimer - Added note about accuracy of the boss coordinates for the Access Node list
Collectors - Added information for the Vampire Coat
Collectors - Added Base Damage and Range for the International collector weapon rewards
Collectors - Added information for the Downtown district collectors
Novalis II - Changed Neurophyte's status to Alive/Deceased and added footnote
Collectors - Added mob information for the Westview collectors
Collectors - Added information for the International district collectors
Mob Database: Richland - Fixed data for some of the Bricks members
Agents - Added additional Agent names to the list of Other Active Agents
Universal Resource Locators - Added a link to Exile Radio
Belteshazzar Crew Positions - Added Aaryu and Jerecht
Hardlines - Added Chelsea SE
Downtown Hardline Map - Added icon for Chelsea SE
Downtown Comprehensive Map - Added icon for Chelsea SE
Home Page - *NEW SECTION NAME* Exile Mobs
Exile Mob Database - *NEW PAGE* Exile Mob Database Menu
Collectors - *NEW PAGE* Collectors
Home Page - Removed notice about the site's new hosting service
Novalis II - Changed Neurophyte's status to *Critical Condition*
Agents - Added additional Agent names to the list of Other Active Agents
Mob Database: Richland - Added more information
Mob Database: Westview - Added more information
Timeline - Added more timeline information
Westview Neighborhood Contact Map - *NEW PAGE* Westview Neighborhood Contact Map
International Neighborhood Contact Map - *NEW PAGE* International Neighborhood Contact Map
Westview Comprehensive Map - Added the Neighborhood Mission Contacts
International Comprehensive Map - Added the other Neighborhood Mission Contacts
Neighborhood Mission Contacts - Fixed several name errors
HvCFT Novalis II - *NEW PAGE* HvCFT Novalis II
Timeline - Added more timeline information
Red Code Fragments - *NEW PAGE* Red Code Fragments
Universal Resource Locators - Added a link to The Matrix @ Rumbaar.net
HvCFT Nebuchadnezzar - Changed Morpheus' status to "deceased"
Zion - Changed Tyndall's rank from "operator" to "controller"
Agents - Added Agents Gray, Skinner, and Pace
Agents - Added a list of other NPC-type Agents
Home Page - Restored entire site after being removed from former hosting service
Timeline - Added more timeline information
Merovingian Exiles - Removed Tiger
Rogue Exiles - Added The Assassin
Belteshazzar Crew Positions - Removed Balzak and Urd
URLs - Removed link to The Matrix Dojo
Historical Locations - Updated the picture for Hel Club
Older updates:
May 2005
April 2005
March 2005
<-- Return to the MxO Archive main menu
All content on this page (c) 2005 by Stack, except that which is already protected by other copyrights or trademarks.
Last updated 6-27-05