MxO Archive

Screenshot Gallery: ###018

The journal entry associated with these screenshots can be found here.

I know Karate....

As harmless as a statue....

A crowd of one-hit KO Agents...

...the perfect time for a new SMG.

A fragment of someOne's RSI...

Perfect time for a new assault rifle as well.

Outnumbered, but not outmatched. Bring it on!

These guys just keep coming....

Recovering on a Southard bench.

I might want to give those to someone who knows what to do with them....

A true hyper-jump.

This is where you start running...

...'cause THAT is an Agent!

Amidst the chaos, the crew of The Belteshazzar is formed at last!

The crowd at Mara Central.

Hey, what's that in his pocket?...

Oh, it's a top-secret document that we weren't supposed to find!

Man down!

The mysterious red eyes....

A gunfight at twenty paces.

The last thing you'll ever see....

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All content on this page (c) 2005 by Stack, except that which is already protected by other copyrights or trademarks.

Last updated 4-7-05